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Showing 37–48 of 63 results

  • Avg. green weight best 10 ears: 2.7 kg.
    Avg. yellow weight best 10 ears: 2.0 kg.
    Plant height: 200 cm.
    Ear height: 76 cm.
    Days to silk: 44-49 days after planting
    Days to harvest after silking: 20 days after silking
    Ear length: 17-19 cm.
    Ear width: 4.6-5 cm.
    Kernel rows: 14-16
    Grain filling: Almost to ear tip
    Eating quality: Good
    Sweetness: Very good

  • Size: 7-8 cm
    Stem: 4 cm
    Maturity: 60-65 days
    Plant height: 1-1.2 m
    Pungency: 30,000 SHU

  • Color: Orange

    Long Day
    Flower size: 8-10 cm
    Height: 80-110 cm
    Width: 50-60 cm
    First Flower: 60-65 days

    Short Day
    Flower size: 8-10 cm
    Height: 50-70 cm
    Width: 50-55 cm
    First Flower: 55-60 days
    Remarks: marigold

  • Flower: 4*3 cm
    Color: deep blue

  • Weight: 4-5kg
    Flesh: yellow-orange color, thick flesh
    Fruit: mottled deep green skin
    Shape: globe shape
    Maturity: 75-80 days from sowing
    Remarks: early, prolific fruits and high yield, good resistant to virus

  • Maturity : 7 – 8 months
    Weight : 1.3 – 1.5 kg
    Size : 3-4 m
    Shape : Large trunk
    Remark : Fast fruiting and large fruiting

  • Weight: 3.5-4 kg
    Flesh: yellow-orange color, thick flesh
    Fruit: mottled deep green skin
    Shape: flat round
    Maturity: 80-85 days from sowing
    Remarks: vigorous, medium-early, prolific fruits, good resistant to virus

  • Weight: 6-8 kg
    Shape: round
    Flesh: red, crisp flesh
    Fruit: deep green strips on the light green rind
    Maturity: 72-75 days from sowing
    Remarks: watermelon, Seedless type, Crimson Sweet seedless watermelon,early, good fruit-setting

  • Weight: 1.0-1.5 kg
    Size: 6-8 x 30 cm
    Color: green rind with white spots
    Maturity: 50-55 days from sowing
    Remarks: bottle gourd, high yield

  • PK4420

    Weight: 1.5-1.8 kg
    Shape: round
    Fruit: deep green skin, yellow flesh, excellent taste
    Maturity: It can be harvested in 70-80 days from sowing
    Remarks: pumpkin, pk4420, compact plants, high yield, early, good resistant to virus

  • Weight: 3-4 kg
    Shape: high round
    Flesh: bright red, crisp and sweet
    Fruit: This hybrid is early and very good fruit-setting. light green with slightly green narrow stripes
    Maturity: 62-65 days from sowing.
    Remarks: watermelon

  • Weight: 9-12 kg
    Shape: oblong
    Flesh: bright red color, firm, crisp and very sweet
    Fruit: large dark green stripes on green rind
    Maturity: 68-72 days from sowing.
    Remarks: vigorous vines and high tolerant to diseases

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